A to Z Challenge - Q

Q is for Quince and There are no vegetables that begin with Q!

Quince Paste
There is something so nice about fruit pastes with cheese. The Quince, a hard, tart apple-like fruit makes the most lovely jam or a thicker gelatin the Spanish call Membrillo. Peel & chop 2 or 3 quinces. Put them in a small pan with the juice of a lemon and about 1/4 cup of sugar. Quince is full of pectin so you don't have to worry too much about adding it. Cook on low until the quince pieces have turned pinkish and fully broken down. Pour into a jar and refrigerate until cold. Serve with sharp cheese, I like with the sharp Venetian cheese 'Bastardo Del Grappa'.

If you know a 'Q' veg, leave me a comment~!


  1. Oooh, I think this is the one my friends loves with manchego cheese! I was trying to remember it the other day (and forgot to ask her when I saw her) Stopping by from a-z

  2. I cannot think of a veggie that starts with Q. And never heard of a Quince. Looks like a pear.


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